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Health& - a preventive
approach to health

Did you know that only 7% of Australians speak to their GP about preventive health? Yet nearly half of our population are seriously affected by one or more chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, depression and anxiety as well as cancers in their lifetime. 

The good news is that many of these conditions can be prevented or their impact reduced with the right support!

Welcome to Health& where we believe that your future health is your most valuable asset and well-worth protecting. That's why we've developed an innovative personal health app to make it easier for you to predict your risk of developing serious health issues. Medically-verified by a team of leading Australian doctors and medical experts, Health& guides you to take control of your future with personalised health advice that you can trust.

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Why preventive health matters

Preventive health care is the cornerstone of a long and fulfilling life. By taking proactive steps with our early-detection assessments and personalised health reports, you can identify potential risks early on and take control of your well-being. Empower yourself with personalised and actionable health advice tailored to your unique needs.

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Empowering you to know your risks

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your health. The Health& app equips you with the tools and information you need to understand your individual health risks. From assessing your family medical history to identifying lifestyle factors that may impact your well-being, we provide comprehensive insights to help you make informed decisions about your health.

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Taking control of your health journey

Your health journey is personal, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Whether you're looking to manage a chronic condition, learn more about conditions, symptoms and treatments or to simply optimise your overall well being, our app offers personalised health recommendations designed to meet your specific goals. We're committed to helping you achieve your healthiest self.

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Join our waitlist today

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier tomorrow? Join our waitlist today to be among the first to gain access to our revolutionary personal health app. With our team of expert doctors and medically-verified information at your fingertips, you'll have the support you need to prioritise your health and live your best life.

Don't wait, take charge of your health now

Your health is too important to leave to chance. By prioritising preventive health care and staying informed about your individual risks, you can take control of your well-being and enjoy a lifetime of good health. Join our waitlist today and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you.

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Manage your health, your way

Experience the convenience and assurance of staying on top of your family’s health journey with a trusted and tailored platform designed to help you take control of your health 
and avoid preventable chronic disease.

Medical records

Securely manage your vaccination history, prescriptions, X-Rays, allergies and more.

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Health checks

Take convenient and evidence-based health checks to receive personalised reports identifying your risk factors for chronic disease before they become a problem.

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Health information

Your questions answered and an A-Z of health articles - all medically-verified by our team of leading doctors.

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Frequently asked questions

Is Health& an app to put in symptoms and get a diagnosis?

Health& offers medically-verified information that you can trust. Health& also offers evidence-based health checks and reports that assess your risk for a variety of preventable chronic illnesses including breast, bowel and skin cancer, mental health and workplace burnout. If you have an identified risk please always discuss early intervention and treatment with your healthcare professional.

What is the importance of
preventive health care?

Preventive care plays a crucial role in maintaining your well-being and avoiding preventable disease, ultimately leading to reduced healthcare expenses and less complicated intervention for you.

Who runs Health&?

Health& has been built by Australian leading doctors and medical experts with a passion for helping people manage their family's and their own health.

What is the purpose of Health&?

Health& aims to help people lead healthier, happier and more rewarding lives. We want you to effortlessly look after yourself and your family’s health through educating and empowering you. The Health& portal is designed for you to safely store and control your family’s health records. Health& will proactively assist you to stay healthy and remind you on when to see your doctor.

What are some common preventive health screenings I should consider scheduling?

Regular preventive health screenings are essential for early detection of potential chronic disease. Depending on factors like lifestyle, age, gender, and family history, screenings may include blood pressure checks, cholesterol tests, mammograms, colonoscopies, and more. Health& can help you keep track of recommended screenings based on your personalised health profile, ensuring you stay up-to-date with preventive care.

How can I incorporate preventive health practices into my busy schedule?

Incorporating preventive health practices into a busy schedule requires planning and prioritisation. Schedule regular exercise sessions, meal prep for healthy eating, and allocate time for relaxation and stress management activities. Using Health& can streamline these efforts by providing personalised reminders and time-efficient habit tracking, making it easier to prevent complicated health issues in the future.