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How is scleroderma treated?

Scleroderma cannot be cured, so treatment aims to reduce the symptoms, prevent progression of the condition and address any complications as early as possible to limit any disability. Treatments can include: moisturizing dry and tight skin; stretching exercises to increase skin elasticity; keeping hands warm to reduce the symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon; medications to reduce heartburn; medications to suppress the immune system; surgical removal of calcium deposits in fingers; regular monitoring of blood pressure; physiotherapy to maintain joint mobility and muscle strength, and; occupational therapy to assist with daily tasks.

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About this article

Author: Lauren Donley BSc (Hons)
First answered: 18 Sep 2014
Last reviewed: 19 May 2018
Rating: 4.7 out of 5
Votes: 946 (Click smiley face below to rate)
Category: Psoriasis


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