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How is iron deficiency anemia diagnosed?

Because there are many potential causes of iron deficiency anemia, your doctor will need to take your full medical history and perform a physical examination to identify the most likely cause of iron deficiency or blood loss. Other tests that may be used include: 1) A full blood count to assess the size, shape and color of the red blood cells. In iron deficiency anemia, the red blood cells are typically small, colorless and fewer in number than in normal blood samples. 2) If the cause of your iron deficiency anemia is not known, it may be caused by 'occult' (hidden) bleeding or malabsorption from your gastrointestinal tract. This may be investigated using techniques such as endoscopy, colonoscopy and a fecal occult blood test.

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About this article

Author: Dr Joanne Van der Velden PhD, BSc (Hons)
First answered: 18 Sep 2014
Last reviewed: 19 May 2018
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Votes: 1503 (Click smiley face below to rate)
Category: Bronchitis


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